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Jennifer stared at the blank document on her computer screen. The page did not seem to want to be filled with words, at least not today.
She was working on her new novel but made little progress. The deadline was still a few months away so she didn’t panic just yet. She sat back in the chair in her office in their house. It was was a nice cozy office with a couch, a soft carpet and pictures of landscapes that Jonathan took on their vacations. She loved the adjacent library though she wasn’t sure if it was big enough to be called that.
Jennifer grabbed one of the mint Oreo cookies, turned the chair around and looked out the window into the back yard. She could see the ocean from there. It was one of the main reasons they bought this house. Both of them loved the ocean, the waves, the sound and the smell. It was relaxing.
It didn’t help her write her novel though. Not in this moment. She missed Jonathan. He and Glenn went to attend a physics conference in Boston, he wouldn’t get back home until the next weekend which was still 4 days away. 4 long days, she thought and sighed.
Suddenly something grabbed her attention. Something she saw in the back yard. And then it hit her. She turned the chair back around and started typing.
“That’s it!”, she said to herself. The words started flowing…

1 comment to Inspiration…

  • Diana

    Ist das ne Story für dich oder mitlesende Interessierte die bischen Ablenkung vom ALltag suchen? Die Abstände wurden irgendwie immer größer…..

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