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Sunday-Day 3 #DallasCon

So today was the big day, Jensen day.

I got a few hours of sleep after last night’s cocktail party and then it was time for the breakfast. I couldn’t really eat a lot. I tried to take a lot of pictures but my camera is just not good enough for that. I need a new one. Anyway, the boys were funny and Jensen looked good and I think he wore the same shirt as in Rome back in May. Actually I am so tired (again) that I don’t remember a lot of what was actually said. They talked about their wine company and that it’s still in its early stages.

Next up were photo ops and of course I got a photo with Jensen. I asked for a hug and he hugged me pretty tightly and it caught me a bit by surprise. The picture didn’t turn out that well, Jensen looks perfect of course but I kook awful and I don’t even wanna post it but if anyone absolutely wants to see it, I’ll think about emailing it or something, just let me know. At least I got my Jensen hug and it was heavenly, he’s just the best hugger.

Afterwards I had a little break to prepare for the meet and greet with Jensen and I just couldn’t think of anything to ask. It was still pretty awesome. He was actually asked some good questions and he gave long and thoughtful answers about acting, directing, I could listen to him all day. His parents were in the room, too, just like his grandmother, brother and sister in law, they all seemed very nice and his mother said that JJ is so beautiful. You know how Jensen always looks so amazingly beautiful in pictures? Actually, he is a thousand times more beautiful in person and also very sweet and thoughtful. I can’t say enough good things about him.

The meet and greet was followed by the J and J panel. It was hilarious, especially the part where Misha brought a pig on stage, I’m sure there are lots of pictures of that out there. Lots of fun.

Then I got my autographs from Jensen and Jared. I got something cool for Jensen to sign, I will post a picture later, I’m not telling yet. And when I was standing in Jared’s line I saw Jensen leaving and waving for a last time. He had to catch a plane back to Vancouver. I miss him already.

There were still 2 panels left, Rachel Miner and Corin Nemec. Since I did not really like Meg that much I didn’t know what to expect from the panel but I was really surprised by how sweet she is. She had lots of interesting stories to tell and turns out she’s quite the science geek, too. She then told us that she has MS and how great the cast and crew handled it when she wasn’t doing so well. Very touching, she’s a great person.

I had seen Corin Nemec before, years ago at a FedCon. This was his first convention appearance after his accident and he’s still walking with a cane. But he was cool and also funny.

Now this convention is over and I’m already starting to feel the blues. It’s always great to see Jensen again and said to say good bye. But I’ll see him again next May in Rome.

I might write a bit more when I get home, I just really need some sleep now.

Again, here are some pictures, I tired my best but they’re not that good. Oh well…


1 comment to Sunday-Day 3 #DallasCon

  • Witchblade

    Hey Jo,
    das klingt ja super 🙂 🙂
    Ich will auf jeden Fall das Bild sehen. Das sieht bestimmt toll aus.

    Bin sehr gespannt, was Du Dir denn jetzt ausgesucht hast, was Jensen unterschreibt.
    Klingt nach einer tollen Con.

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